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H-601 Air Operated Atomizing Nozzle

The H-601 Nozzle is air or steam operated and produces an extremely fine, fog-like atomization. This aspirating Nozzle requires no liquid pressure whatever as the air pressure creates a suction in the liquid inlet which draws the liquid into the Nozzle. If air is readily available you can, therefore, eliminate the expense of a liquid pump. Increasing the lift distance decreases the flow rate. Due to the absence of small internal openings, this Nozzle can produce very low flow rates without risk of clogging. The H-601 has an unrestricted orifice of 5/64″ diameter. The H-601-C to H-601-G have, in addition, an internal disc with metering slots to produce extremely low flow rates but the openings are relatively low flow rates but the openings are H-601 Water Nozzlesrelatively large in comparison to these flow rates.

Technical Data:

Spray Angles: 45°

Material: H-601; Brass or 303 Stainless Steel. H-601-C to H-601-G Brass only.

Pipe Connections: Air inlet 1/4″ NPT female, liquid inlet 1/8″ NPT female.

H-601 Capacities: Gallons Per Hour

Figure No. Lift (inches) Air Pressure: Lbs. Per Square Inch
5 10 12 15
H-601 6 1.3 2.5 2.8 3.3
H-601 3 2.4 3.6 4.0 4.4
H-601-G 6 .13 .20 .22 .24
H-601-F 6 .24 .33 .34 .39
H-601-E 6 .45 .67 .68 .70
H-601-D 6 .65 1.1 1.15 1.2
H-601-C 6 1.1 1.8 2.0 2.2
AIR-SCFM Any .9 1.3 1.5 1.7
H-601 Luftbetrieben Diagram

Need additional infos? Please contact us

Jochen Twellaar

+49 (0) 721/95618-23

Joachim Rau

+49(0) 721/95618-25